Sunday, 28 April 2013

Evidence of the Truth of Al-Quran surah Al Mukminun 12-14: In the process of the creation of man.

Evidence of the Truth of Al-Quran
In the 17th century science has declared that man was created in the form of a complete (perfect) in the sperm. This means that if you take sperm and raise it then you will find a complete human form perfectly. In other words, man was not created in a step by step but it is complete with the entire organ since I was a sperm.
Until finally a embryologists of Canada, Professor Keith L. More to say, after the discovery of the photographer tool fetal ultrasound (ultrasonography). Known by the tools that the development of the fetus in the womb of a mother through several stages. Starting from the meeting between the sperm and the ovum to form the zygote, then a blood clot (blood clot). Blood clots will form the meat which is similar to incense the clay or chewed. The meat was then formed bone on the inside. Ultimately be the human form as we have seen in infants.
After explaining this, one of the seminar participants who happened Muslim said to him: "Sorry Professor, what you're all about is not foreign to us long ago." "What do you convey just been submitted by our prophet since 13 centuries ago" . Then the Quran and read from a letter Al Mukminun 12-14 before More:
"And verily we created man from a quintessence (come) out of clay. Then we placed him semen (stored) in a solid (womb). Then we made the semen of a blood clot, then we make a piece of meat and a lump of flesh bones that we make, then we wrap the bones with flesh. Then we made her creation that (form) else. Then the most holy God, the Best of creators. "
Prof. instantly. Moore was surprised to hear that verse. When Moore asked is it possible at that time Muhammad Saw and the people around him have to know in detail the development of the embryo in the womb? He replied: "It is impossible, the whole world at that time did not know that the fetus is created through the phases. Moreover, to illustrate the stages of phase formation for modern science was not easy to determine with all the details. Even until now science has not been able to give a name to every phase of the process of embryonic development, and is only signaled by complex numbers that are not easy to be understood. While the Qur'an has given the name with ease and is very detailed. "So who told Muhammad to the phases that?
Furthermore Prof. Moore said: "It is clear to me that this evidence come to Muhammad from God, and it makes me believe that Muhammad is the Messenger of God". Finally Prof. Moore converted to Islam for the incident.
Surely there are many more available evidence on human beings as well as those around us that would explain the existence of the glorious Essence of Allah. Because of this, we still ragukah? If still in doubt, it is very too.

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