In the 20th century, Islam is growing very rapidly in mainland Europe. Slowly, the people on the continent who are predominantly blue and the Christians began to accept the presence Katholikini Islam. No wonder that later became one of Islam satuagama that deserve the attention of the European public.
In France, Islam developed in the late 19th century and early 20th century AD In fact, in 1922, has established a very grand mosque named Masjid Raya Joseph in the French capital, Paris. Up to now, more than 10ncis00 mosque stand across France.
In this country, Islam developed by immigrants from the Maghreb countries, such as Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, and others. Around the 1960s, thousands of Arab workers emigrate (hijra) massively to mainland Europe, especially in France.
Currently, the number of adherents of Islam in France reached seven million people. With this amount, France is the country with the largest Muslim converts in Europe. Following the German state of about four million people and is the UK around three million people.
The role of migrant workers from Africa and parts of Asia that make the religion of Islam is growing rapidly. These workers set up a community or organization to develop Islam. Gradually, more and more French people who had embraced Islam.
Because the effect is so rapid, the French Government had banned migrant workers be spread religion, especially Islam. The French government is worried Islamic organizations do the workers will create divisions in the society some ethnic groups. So, can lead to disintegration and can divide communities.
Not only that, the door immigration for workers who are Muslims also increasingly narrowed, even closed. However, the Arabs who want to move to France remained elevated. That way the doors open.
Muslim students
In the 1970s, Muslim immigrants returned to the originator of the country's trias politica. This time, the Muslim student who came to France to study. The arrival of these students is an important factor that takes a large and important role in encouraging the spread of Islam and Muslims in the heart of the country habitable Napoleon Bonaparte's.
In 1985, the Islamic conference held Rabithah funded Alam Islami (World Islamic Organization). Participated in the conference with 141 decision establishing an Islamic state Federation of French Muslims.
This great event did not escape the attention of the world, given the presence of Muslims in one of the European countries has always been a dilemma for local authorities, particularly with respect to labor (labor) and social issues.
Results of the conference and the formation of the Muslim federation managed to unite as many as 540 pieces of Islamic organizations throughout France and protect 1,600 mosques, Islamic educational institutions, and buildings owned by Muslims.
With this condition, the sequence (saf) Muslims became more solid. Even more encouragingly, most members of the federation who run the organization actually comes from the youth themselves Muslim Frenchman.
The Federation aims to play an active role in the success of Islamic activities in France and provide knowledge and education about Islam to French citizens.These institutions play a major role in bridging the French Muslim community with the local government, especially in voicing the interests of Muslims.
'' With this agreement, the Muslims have the same rights as Catholics, Jews, and Protestants,'' said a government minister, Nicolas Sarkozy.
The organization is a combination of three major Islamic organizations in France, the Paris Mosque, the National Federation of Muslims, and the Union of Islamic Organizations of France.Banning of Hijab
France, which is also known as state this mode, once banned Muslim women wear veils around the year 1989. Muslim students are removed from class for wearing hijab, Muslim workers fired from work for wearing a headscarf. However, they do not give up so easily. French Muslims to shake up Paris-action demonstrations demanding freedom. And, Muslims in various countries were participating in the protest against the policy.
Finally, the government issued on 2 November 1992 the wisdom of allowing Muslim girls to wear the hijab in public schools.Now, the appearance of veiled women in France became a very strong Islamic phenomenon in the country. They are not only present in the mosques or Islamic religious centers other, but also in public schools, state universities, and other public places.
Many things affect the development of Islam in France. One is the 1991 Gulf War that led to the emergence of an identity crisis among young Muslims in France. These conditions encourage them to be more diligent to come to the mosque. Intifada movement in Palestine also encourage the increasing number of French Muslims who worship into mosques.
Muslims in France have a very important role. They play a role in all sectors. Ranging from education, financial institutions, government, sports, social, and others.
In fact, during World War I and II, Muslims in Europe also recorded against the Nazi occupation. Participation of Muslims in opposing the Nazi occupation became an integral part of the history of the struggle for independence France.
Mosques and Islamic Schools Rises
Along with berkembangannya Islam in the country of France, the number of places of worship and Islamic activities is increasing.
According to the survey conducted by a group of Muslims in France, until 2003, the number of mosques throughout France reaches 1,554 pieces. Ranging from a rented room in the basement until the building is owned by Muslims and was built in public places.
Development of Islam and mosques in France was also written by a French journalist who is also an expert on Islam, Xavier Ternisien. In his latest book, Ternisien writing, in the Saint Denis, north of France, there are approximately 97 mosques, while in the south of France as much as 73 mosques.
Ternisien added that many mosques standing in France with a distinctive dome-dome show that Islam is now more prominent in the country. Islam in France is no longer religious in the past to move silently.
'' Existing mosques in France are now even built on land owned by Muslims themselves, no longer in the rented premises as in the past,'' he said.Apparently, in the coming years, the number of mosques in France will be on the increase. A number of mosques that exist now sometimes can not accommodate all the worshipers. Mosque in the Belle Ville and Barbes, for example, some worshipers forced to pray to the curb.
Initially, existing mosques in France founded by the Muslims of Pakistani origin who worked in factories in Paris, France. They changed the little room where lunch or change clothes into the room for prayer. Sometimes, they use in her dorm room as a means of worship. So, it continues to grow and spread.
Increasing development it makes most French people worried. Existing mosques are often the target of racist attacks. Bleak future mosque in France occurred in 2001. A number of mosques were targeted attacks using Molotov cocktails. In fact, there is a mosque is burned.
Other forms of attack are drawing on the walls of the mosque and the walls of the mosque imams home with swastikas. However, so far, there are no human rights organizations or associations who questioned the Muslim attacks.Not only mosque schools grows, Islamic educational institutions in the country also participated in developing this mode. A number of Islamic schools established in France. Until now, there are at least four private Muslim schools.
Academy of Lyon, the highest state education agencies in the city, refused to permit the school operations and school closed for the reason the school did not meet the standards of hygiene and safety. However, in the Lyon Administrative Court to cancel the closure in February last year. This means that Al-Kindi school could open new school in March 2007.
According to the French Muslim leaders, incidents in Al-Kindi would encourage the Muslim community to open a similar school. Controversy'' Al-Kindi to break the fear in the Muslim minority to have more schools,'' said Lhaj Thami Breze, chairman of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, UOIF.
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