Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The future Of Islam 2

Alarming spread of Islam
Hostility and hatred against Islam without rational reason, can be shaped by a sense of fear and anxiety over the fate of western civilization are identical with kristen. Growth Muslims worship and means of increasing from year to year.In Germany, in early November 2006, a senior German monk found dead after burning himself. An act is done Roland Fislberg as a form of protest over growing rapidly Islam in various capitals and cities of Europe. Fislberg pouring gasoline into her blouse and began to fire on the ground menyulutnya Deir, Eirvort city, the center of Germany, today Wednesday, November 1, 2006. Write a letter Fislberg through, it burns himself to give warning of the dangers of Islamic revival in the European continent. Over the last four years, it has been shown rapid growth worries on Islam in which it demanded the church Luther to take decisive and serious attitude towards the matter.Emergency Fislberg was unwarranted. According to the newspapers Field as he collected from a study of Islamic Study Centre Archive explain, the mosque has a minaret and dome increased volume in Germany since 2004 from 141 into 159 mosques. 128 mosques while others are still in the development stage.Meanwhile, revenue survai housing developers estimate will be done Dresdner Bank reduced total church in Germany for several years to come. Religious cleansing rituals mentioned in 96 of a total of 350 churches in the diocese of Essen church just wait for time to stop. Similarly, a number of church buildings have been removed Enable for other purposes. As Bild daily reported.Fislberg fear and anxiety as is the case in Austria. A research published late November 2006 that mentions, one fourth population of Austria will be a convert to Islam, while the third boy under the age of 15 in the state will be a convert to Islam in the middle of this century. Scrutiny of the Vienna Institute for Demographic Studies and cites Austrian Academy of Sciences, based on some early predictions, the number of Muslims in Austria may be increased by 14% to 26% in 2051 later. As reported by the newspapers Day Press, regardless of the immigration problem, the number of Muslims in Austria increased by very sharp, Muslim women in Austria have 2 to 3 children while the average Catholic woman just gave birth to a child.So also in Spanish. Early October 2006, security forces in the province of Catalonia, Spain, the alarming spread of Islam province announced, some Muslim groups began working to spread Islam in the province of Catalonia in an effort to restore Islamic existence in the first Ebiria island peninsula Islam never exist there for 8 centuries.In the Netherlands, early September 2006, the Dutch government-owned Research Board publishes a report which, among other states, the number of Muslims in the state would rise to 8 percent of the total population of the Netherlands in the year 2020 from the previous figure 6 percent. While the number of Christian believers will continue to decrease significantly. The report implies, the percentage of people are Catholics dropped to 10 percent of the total population of the Netherlands from the previous 17 percent in 2004. The report also said that the percentage of people

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