Ten Miracles Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
1. Al-Quran Al-Karim
Is the greatest miracle that demonstrate the truth of his teachings, Al-Islam, revealed by God.
2. Water flowed from the sidelines fingers
A water container ever offered to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Then, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam dipping his hand in the water container. Thus, the water gushing from the sidelines his fingers. With it, the companions of ablution. Amount of their time was 300 people. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 3572)
3. Little enough food for the people
Once, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam look weak because of hunger. Abu Talha who heard him were eventually met his wife. Abu Talha and his wife intend to invite him sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to eat.
Long story short, Abu Talha and his wife just had a little food. But apparently the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam invited many friends to come eat into the house of Abu Talha. Abu Talha became anxious; little food for entertaining guests is pretty much it?
Finally, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his Companions-companions arrived at the house of Abu Talha. Before the meal begins, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed for the food being served. After that the guests were asked to eat interchangeably. The first meal is 10 companions. Then, the next 10 best friend, then the next 10 friends, and seteruny.
Finally all the friends who came to eat until you are full, while the amount of time that they are 70 or 80 people. After that, then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and family Tholhah eat until full anyway. (Source: Hr Al-Bukhari, no. 3385; Muslim, no. 2040)
4. Filling a glass of milk a lot of people
Companions of the Prophet Abu Hurayrah was very poor but very much a strong knowledge and memory. He often experienced hunger.
On a day when Abu Hurairah sednag sitting on the road, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam saw through it and smiled. He fully understands the plight of Abu Hurairah. Therefore,
said to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "Aba Yaa Hirr!" Abu
Huraira replied, "Labbaika, yaa Rasulullah (I come to meet your call, O
Prophet of Allah)." He said, "Follow me!"
Abu Hurairah then follow the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam up to his house. Then he let him go. There, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam find a glass of milk. He
asks her, "Where's the milk?" She replied, "Of So and so, he presented
it to you." Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then called Abu
Hurairah, "Aba Yaa Hirr!" "Labbaika, yaa Rasulullah," he said. "Go and call ahlush shuffah."
shuffah is a bunch of friends who live in the mosque the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam because they have no possessions and
family (in the city of Medina, ed.). Abu Hurairah feel entitled to first mouthful that could return the lost strength. Later, if ahlush shuffah come, of Abu Huraira that will serve mreka. He worried if it does not miss out.
But Abu Hurairah did not want to go against the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, Abu Hurairah immediately called ahlush shuffah. They came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam call Abu Hurairah, "Aba Yaa Hirr!"
"Labbaika, yaa Allah." "Take this and share it with them!" Then Abu
Hurayrah provide cups of the milk to the first. The man was meminumnnya until satisfied.
The glass then returned to Abu Hurairah. Then given back to the second, third, fourth, and so on until everyone is satisfied. It's amazing! The cup was received by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then smiled at Abu Hurayrah and said,
"Aba Yaa Hirr!" "Labbaika, yaa Allah." Now it's just me and you. ""
True, O Rasulllah. "" Sit down and have a drink! "
Abu Hurairah then sit down and have a drink. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ordered him to drink continues until Abu
Huraira said, "By Allah who sent you with the truth, there is no place
else in my stomach." Then the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam
said, "Beirkan me the glass." Bleiau praising God and grateful then read, "Bismillah," and drank the remaining milk. (Source: transmitted by Al-Bukhari, no. 6087)
5. Prayers for rain were immediately granted
One day, when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam're preaching Friday prayer requests for someone stand up to rain. The drought is sweeping the time. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray. Instantly it all, torrential rain fell constantly, until next Friday
there is a man who complained to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam, that the houses had been damaged due to continuous heavy rains. Then
the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to pray for rain diverted
around the city of Medina, do not overwrite the city of Medina. Then
the clouds are moving in the city of Medina was immediately moved, no
longer in the city of Medina, but was on the edge of the city of Medina.
(Source: HR. Al-Bukahari, no. 3582)
6. Notices magical things happening proven
Among them:
News of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that later Roman Empire and Persia will be defeated by the Muslims. Moreover, Persian and Roman treasures savings will be owned by Muslims. (Transmitted by al-Bukharu, no. 3618 and 3619)
of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that after the death of
his two false prophets will appear. (Hr Al-Bukuhari, no. 36211). Two of the false prophet is Musaylima Al-Kadzdzab and Al-Aswad al-Ansi.
of the battle of Mu'tah, the war commander who appointed the Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to lead troops killed Muslims. The first one is killed Zai bin Haritha. After Zaid was killed, troops komnadan replaced by Ja'far ibn Abi Talib. Then, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib was also killed. Before
the death of the two commanders to Madinah, the Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam has reported the death of Zaid bin Haritha and Ja'far
bin Abi Talib to the companions. This is one of the miracles of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam; God gave revelation to him of unseen news. (Source: transmitted by Al-Bukhari, no. 3630)
7. Splitting of the moon into two
At the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam moon split into two. Mecca pagans come see it. (Source: Hr Al-Bukhari, no. 3636, 3637, and 3638)
pagans prophetic evidence memnita Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
then Allah show the splitting of the moon into two.
8. Treat sore eyes, God healed in an instant
the conquest of the Fort of Khaibar, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as the flag holder forces. At that time, Ali suffered from sore eyes. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to call Ali and spit in the eyes of the sick Ali. Sekteika, Ali's eyes are sick are healed as if it was never sore eyes. (Source: Ar-Rahiqul Makhtum, p. 376-378)
9. There will always be that appeared to defend his teachings
of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam: there will always be a
group of his followers were always reveal the truth of Islam and defend
it. (Source: transmitted by Al-Bukhari, no. 3640-3641)
10. A little water into many
In a way, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions keabisan water supplies. And this time the water is far away from them. Then they met a woman who brought a little water. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam swiped the woman's water bag. Then the Companions who thirst the drink. Number of them there are 40 people. Stelah finished drinking, mreka water bag filling each to the brim, too. (Transmitted by al-Bukhari, no. 3571)
Loan A Servant To God S.W.T
definition of a loan to Allah ta'ala is what is given a Muslim to help
his brother without a return of the goods due solely to expect a reply
in the next. This includes a good loan for jihad donation, donation for the orphans, the widows, the weak and the poor. This type has been mentioned in the Qur'an with the word al qardh (loans) as mentioned in the verse of Allah Ta'ala,
من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضا حسنا فيضاعفه له أضعافا كثيرة والله يقبض ويبسط وإليه ترجعون
"He who lend God a good loan then God multiplies replace him with much. God hold and vacate (sustenance) and to Him you shall be returned. "(Surat al-Baqara: 245)
Word of the Almighty
من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضا حسنا فيضاعفه له وله أجر كريم
"He who lend to God a good loan, then God will restore double, and his reward is glorious." (Surat al-Hadid: 11)
And the Word of the Almighty
إن تقرضوا الله قرضا حسنا يضاعفه لكم ويغفر لكم والله شكور حليم
"If you lend to Allah a good loan, He multiplies (children) for you to forgive us. And Allah is Grateful, Most Forbearing. "(Surat At Taghaabun: 17)
Surely there will be a question at the heart; why Allah ta'ala call sebgai loan? The
scholars have answered the question that Allah Ta'ala called it a loan
to let you know that the reward for doing the yan promised they would
get, as people who would repay the loan borrowed. (See Zaadul Masiir FII 'Ilmit Tafsir works of Imam Ibn Jawzi)
desire Those Who Have Nothing
Chimera those who have died is to go back to the world even for a moment to be righteous. They want to be obedient to God, and repair any damage before they do. They want dhikr of Allah, glorify, or bertahlil even once. But they are no longer allowed for it. Death and immediately dashed all such wishful thinking. Allah ta'ala says about them
حتى إذا جاء أحدهم الموت قال رب ارجعون (99) لعلي أعمل صالحا فيما تركت
كلا إنها كلمة هو قائلها ومن ورائهم برزخ إلى يوم يبعثون (100)
when death comes to one of them, he said," Yes I Rabbku give back (to
the world) that I do good deeds that I have to leave. Absolutely not. Indeed it is the only words spoken. And before them there is Barzakh until the day they are raised. "(Surat Al Mukminun: 99-100)
That's the condition of the dead, they have seen the afterlife with their eyes. They know exactly what they have done and what they receive. Formerly they were so easy to waste precious time on things that are not beneficial to their afterlife. They now realize that the seconds and the minutes are missing really is priceless.
Previously, the opportunity is at hand, but they do not use. Now, they are ready to make up for that occasion at any price! I really do not imagine it would hurt and it would be the amount of regret them ..
Indeed, most people neglect when the favor of God is when he was wallowing in it. He did not realize how much enjoyment, except after it was uprooted from her pleasure. Therefore, we really are living in a great pleasure. Therefore, let us not let another minute go by without even a prayer to say the rosary, tahmid, takbir and tahlil.
Abdullah bin Busr radi 'anhu said, "There are two Bedouin Arabs came to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. One
of them asked him sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,' O Muhammad, who is
the best man? '' The longevity and good deeds. "Replied the Prophet. Then
the other one said, 'Verily Islam is too much for us, then is there any
that include a lot of the good deeds that we can tekuni?' 'Keep lisanmu
always wet with dzikrullah', replied the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam. "(Narrated Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad)
the reader know that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam told us
to praise God when I wake up, because he has turned us after death, and
allow us to re-remember him? True, sleep is synonymous with death. When sleeping, people stopped their activities and ignorant of what was going on around him. How similar the he with the dead, if only God did not restore his soul.
Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
فإذا استيقظ فليقل الحمد لله الذي عافاني في جسدي ورد علي روحي وأذن لي بذكره
"If anyone shall say wake AL HAMDULILLAAHILLADZII 'AAFAANII FII JASADII WA Radda' ALAYYA RUUHII WA ADZINA LII BIDZIKRIHI. (Praise be to Allah who has saved me, and restore life to me, and allow me to make dhikr to Him). "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi)
Now we still received his joy of life, we can still increase the reward and remove sin. Remember that one day you will cover age, and everything to be wishful thinking. Therefore, let us realize that wishful thinking from now on!
ibn Yazid al-Abdi said, "One time Riyah al Qaisy came to me and said,
'O Abu Ishaq Ibrahim-dub-on, come go with me to meet residents and let
us hereafter faithful engaged in their side." Then I went with him to a funeral. We were seated next one in the same grave, then Riyah said,
"O Abu Ishaq, about whether that was deemed by the deceased when he was asked daydream?"
"By Allah, he would want to return to the world to be obedient to God and improve his credit," I said.
"Well, we are now in the world. Therefore, let us be obedient to God and improve our charities, "said Riyah.
Riyah then rose to leave the cemetery and began earnestly in worship. It turned out not so long ago, he was summoned to Allah, may Allah have mercy on him.
Brother, if you are religious visit to the cemetery, find the grave empty and sit beside him. Note
the narrow grave, and imagine if you were there when the wooden planks
cover your body, then chunks of land hoarding, then relatives and
friends leave one by one. You lying alone in the silence and darkness, no friends there, and nothing you see besides your charity. Presumably what you yearning longing in those tense moments??
Would not you want to go back to the world in order to do good deeds? So pray despite the cycles? Or hymn and dhikr even once?
Well, now's the time ...!
Ibrahim Taimi said, "when I imagine myself to be cast into hell, then I
ate fruit and drank Zaqqum pus, my body is being linked with chains and
shackles. At
that time I asked myself, "What do you crave right now?" Then he
replied, "I want to get back into the world and do good deeds," then I
said, "You are in anganmu thinking now, then beramallah!" (See Umniyat
al Mauta )
Brother, when you visit the grave or mengiring corpse, do not be the person who fails. Do
not get busy yourself with chatting, but remember their delusion that
buried all around you, they're the ones who are now imprisoned by their
If you invite adulterous lust, delusion remember those who died. They want to turn on again to obey God, then why do you even engage in immoral?
If you feel lethargic for charity, remember their delusion that there is no ...
It is said that ar Rabi 'bin Khutsaim dug grave in his yard. If
he felt his heart begin to hard, he put shackles on her neck and lay
down in the grave for some time, then shouted, "O Lord, send me back to
the world that I do good deeds!" As he repeated them. After
that he got up and said to him, "Rabbi Hai ', now your wish has been
granted, then beramallah before arriving when you asked but not
answered." (See Ihya' Ulumuddin)
Of Abu Musa Al-Asy'ariy radi 'anhu said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
الجليس الصالح والسوء كحامل المسك ونافخ الكير, فحامل المسك إما أن يحذيك,
وإما أن تبتاع منه, وإما أن تجد منه ريحا طيبة, ونافخ الكير إما أن يحرق
ثيابك, وإما أن تجد ريحا خبيثة
"Permisalan seatmate who worships and poor is like a perfume seller and a blacksmith artisans. As for the perfume seller, may be he will give perfume, or you will buy it or you will get the scent of it. The
artisan blacksmith, he might be making your clothes catch fire, or you
will get a bad odor from him. "(Narrated by Bukhari No.. 2101, No.
Muslims. 2628)
sister, so the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave us the clue
to always choose friends who are righteous and wary of bad friends. Prophet
sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave an example with two permisalan this
in order to explain that a friend of the righteous will benefit us in
every moment we are with him. As perfume seller that will benefit us, the form of perfume, or at least if we sit down with him, we will smell the fragrance.
Friends with Benefits People Salih
Friends with the righteous, to sit with him, hang out with, have a greater virtue than virtue sitting with perfume seller. Because
sitting with the righteous could so he would teach us something useful
to religion and our world as well as providing nashihat-nashihat useful
for us. Or she will give a warning to us to avoid matters that endanger us.
friends who always encouraged us to perform obedience to God, filial to
parents, to connect silaturrahim rope, and invites us to always noble,
good with words, actions, or with his attitude. Surely someone would follow her seat companions or friends, in terms of character and behavior. Both are bound to one another in goodness or otherwise. (Bahjah Quluubil Abrar, 119)
we do not receive the above benefits, at least there are still benefits
that can be obtained when making friends with the righteous, that we
will be prevented from bad deeds and immoral. Righteous friends who will always keep the friendship, always invites competing in goodness, trying to eliminate the evil. He also will keep our secrets, either when we are with him or not. He will give us the benefit in the form of love and prayers to us, whether we are alive or after death. (Bahjatu Quluubil Abrar, 119)
O sisters, friends with benefits really are countless good deeds. And that someone, will be assessed according to a close friend who, as the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
المرء على دين خليله فلينظر أحدكم من يخالل
person's religion according to his close friend, then let you see who
is a close friend." (Narrated by Abu Daud and Tirmidhi, classed as
saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani in Ash-Shahihah genealogy, no. 927)
Dangers of Bad Company
you make friends with someone who worships can provide countless
benefits, then make friends with bad friends have the opposite effect. People who are poor can be dangerous for people who are friends with, may bring disrepute to the people who hang out with him. Really
how many people are destroyed because of the evils because they are,
and how many people follow their companions to destruction, either
consciously or unconsciously. (Bahjatu Qulubil Abrar, 120)
Therefore, it is among the greatest favor of Allah to a servant who believe God gave taufiq is a good friend. In contrast, in the test of a servant of God is to test it with a bad friend. (Bahjah Qulubil Abrar, 120)
Befriend the righteous will acquire useful knowledge, the main moral and righteous deeds. As for making friends with people of bad will prevent it all.
Do Until Regrets
Allah Ta'ala says
يعض الظالم على يديه يقول يا ليتني اتخذت مع الرسول سبيلا () يا ويلتى
ليتني لم أتخذ فلانا خليلا () لقد أضلني عن الذكر بعد إذ جاءني وكان
الشيطان للإنسان خذولا
(remember) the day (when it's) a tyrannical man bite his hands,
saying:" Ah would (first) I took a stroll along the Apostle. Woe to me; May I (first) did not make it sifulan best friend (me). Indeed he had misled me from the Quran when the Quran has come to me. And that is what the devil does not want to help people. "(Surat al-Furqan: 27-29).
already famous among the scholars of the commentators, is a tyrannical
person in this verse is' Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith, while the sender with
instructions has been perverted from the Qur'an is the Umayyad or
brother Ubay bin Khalaf bin Khalaf. But
in general, this paragraph also applies to any person who dzalim who
have chosen to follow the companions to return to disbelief after Islam
came to her guidance. Until he died in a state of disbelieve as happened in 'Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith. (Adhwa'ul Bayan, 6/45)
Allah Ta'ala has explained how the influence of a close friend for
someone, until someone can get back to disbelief after he got guidance
of Islam due to the influence of bad friends. Therefore it is appropriate that each of us wary of friends who have a bad temper.
O sister, I want to quote a little nashihat that may be useful for me as well as for you. Nashihat is derived from a scholar named Ibn Al Maqdisiy Qudamah:
"Know, It does not deserve someone make everyone as his friend. But
he rightly chose people who could serve as a friend, both in terms of
character, temperament, or anything that could cause a desire to
befriend him. The temperament or nature should be sought in accordance with the benefits of friendship. There
are people who are friends because the purpose of the world, such as to
take advantage of property, position or just have fun together and chat
together, but this is not our purpose. There are also people who are friends for religious purposes, in this case there is also a different purpose.
them are those who aim to harness science and charity, those who want
to take advantage of his property, with insufficient requirement when in
narrowness. In
general, the conclusions that can serve as a friend she should have the
following five criteria: intelligent (smart), good moral, not fasiq,
not greedy experts heresy and not to the world.
Intelligence is the main capital. There is no good friends with people that dumb, because dumb people who want to help but sometimes he just he just hurt you. Good morals, it is also a must. Because sometimes people are smart if he is angry and emotions can be controlled by his desires. It is not good friends with the intelligent but not moral. Meanwhile, people who fasiq, he does not have the fear of God. And people who do not have the fear of God, you will not survive their tricks, besides he also can not be trusted. The expert heresy, he feared would affect you with ugly kebid'ahannya. (Mukhtashor Minhajul Qashidin, 2 / 36-37)
Hopefully that little could be useful for me and for you sister ...
Ameen ...
... often times we come across people around us fighting over the
estate of their parents, sometimes even between two people who were
brothers to fight hostile just because of inheritance. However, have you see them fighting over the legacy of the prophets? Really
if they know, The real legacy of the prophets is much more useful to
them than a legacy of a world treasure that they often fought.
What is the legacy of the Prophet?
Sister .. taukah you what is a legacy of the Prophet?
In a hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
إن الأنبياء لم يورثوا دينارا ولا درهما إنما ورثوا العلم فمن أخذ به أخذ بحظ وافر
the Prophets did not bequeath dinars and dirhams, in fact they just
pass the science, the one who had taken it, then he has taken part a
lot." (Narrated by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi).
That's the legacy of the prophets, O my sister. They are not a world heritage treasure which often many people contested, but their legacy is science. And to know that science is the science of the prophets passed on Shari'ah of Allah Almighty, and not the other. Science Allah revealed to His Messenger and the information in the form of instructions. Science that it contains praise and adulation for their owners.
is a story narrated by Ath-Thabraani in Al Ausath with hasan isnaad
from Abu Hurayrah, that when Abu Hurairah passed a market in the city of
Medina, then he stopped there. He said, "O people in the market, it would hurt you!". They replied: "What, O Abu Hurayrah?!". He said: "There is no legacy of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is being shared, why are you still here? Why do not you go there take your part? ". They
said: "Where is it?" He said: "In the Masjid." Then people had rushed
to the mosque, while Abu Huraira was still waiting on the market until
the people came back. When they returned to the market Abu Hurayrah asked them: "Why are you back?" They declare: "O Abu Hurairah! We
really have to go to the mosque and we did not see any shared there!
"Abu Huraira then asked them:" Did not you see anyone there? "They
said:" Of course, we saw a group of people who were praying, a group of the
others were reading the Qur'an, and another group is being mentioned
about halal and haram case! "Then Abu Huraira said to them:" Behold the
legacy that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "
is what is meant by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the
legacy of the prophets, true prophets are not bequeath dinars and
dirhams but actually they pass the science. So every time a servant took part of science that much then he has taken part prophetic heritage with many parts. (Tsamaratul 'Ilmi Al' Amalu)
Primacy of science Sharai (Religious Studies)
you have to mention the primacy of science Sharai and its owner, then
indeed we will find so many verses and hadiths that mention of primacy. Among the virtues of science Sharai include:
Science is the legacy of the Prophets
is contained in the hadith as mentioned above, that the prophets'
alaihimush-sholaatu respectfully not bequeath dinars and dirhams, but
that they simply inherit science. My
sister ... now we are in the 15th century hijriyyah, if you are a
scientist means you have received an inheritance of Muhammad sallallaahu
'alaihi wa sallam, and this is a greatest virtue. So, do you want, O God blessed sister who may ...
Science is eternal, while the property is perishable (will disappear)
An example is Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu 'anhu, he was among friends who Faqir that he had fallen unconscious due to hunger. But behold, O sister, did not you see his name mentioned much until now? All of that is not due to his wealth, but all of it because of his knowledge. Look, O sister, how science is eternal and the treasure will be exhausted.
Science is the way to heaven
As indicated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said
ومن سلك طريقا يلتمس فيه علما, سهل الله له به طريقا إلى الجنة
"Whoever pursuing a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make it easy for him the path to heaven." (Narrated by Muslim)
will not make the tired owner in keeping, because the science is in our
hearts, so that it does not need a special box or a special key to
Goodness someone judged from his understanding of his religion
It is mentioned in a hadith of Mu'awiyah radi 'anhu, he said, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said
من يرد الله به خيرا يفقهه فى الدين
"Whoever desired by the goodness of God, then God will make it clear about his religion." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Science is the light that illuminates the life of a servant
Because the science, a servant would know how should worship his Lord and how to get along with his fellow servant.
My sister ... really so many virtues of science, do not you want to achieve virtue and glory? If so, then haste!
Studied law Sharai
Allah Ta'ala says
فاعلم أنه لا إله إلا الله واستغفر لذنبك
"Know the truth, there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, and ask forgiveness for your sins." (Surah Muhammad: 19)
Almighty Allah also says (meaning),
فلولا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا في الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون
should have a group of people from each group to memperdalampengetahuan
them about religion and to give warning to his people when he had
returned to them, so that they can maintain themselves." (Surat
At-Tawbah: 122)
The above two verses show that Allah Ta'ala to oblige servants to mengilmui their religion. And no doubt that the glory of religion will remain there while the remaining science and the clergy. As it is explained in a Hadeeth of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that he said
الله لايقبض العلم انتزاعا ينتزعه من العباد, ولكن يقبض العلم بقبض
العلماء, حتى إذا لم يبق عالما اتخذ الناس رؤوسا جهالا فسئلوا فأفتوا بغير
علم فضلوا و أضلوا
Allah does not deprive science (in another narration: not grasping
science) by pulling them from the chests of the clergy, but God will
deprive science by turning off the scholars until none was left no
knowledgeable people. So
that people will appoint ignorant leaders, then they asked him and he
too gives fatwa without knowledge, then they (the leaders) is misguided
and misleading. "(Narrated by Bukhari). Indeed
Islam is not maintained except for the help, grace and favor of Allah
Ta'ala and with sincerity because the companions in keeping the science
that has been passed by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to
them. (Dhoruurah At-tafaqquh fid-deen)
The legal scholars studied Sharai divide into two kifayah and fard fard 'ain. Kifayah fard ie if there are people who have studied the law to be sunnah for others. While fard 'ayn is the science that must be learned by everyone islam. Limits a convicted sciences fard 'ayn is the science that could cause someone creed invalid unless he understands the science. Such knowledge of the meaning of the creed, the science of the nature of Tawheed, knowledge about the nature of faith. In
addition it includes also the science that include mandatory worship
will he run or will he do mu'amalah, then in this situation he must know
how to perform the worship and also how he carried out the mu'amalah. Like
someone who will do the prayer, then he must learn about the way of
praying that exemplified the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, what
makes prayer acceptable, what prayers and canceling others. Or
another example in the case mu'amalah is if he wants to be a trader,
then he must know the limits of shari'ah trading case, so he did not
fall in trade practices prohibited by religion as containing usury
As for the other sciences (which will not be done at the time), then studied the remains convicted kifayah fard. And
it is appropriate that every seeker of knowledge realized that he was
carrying out the practice of law when seeking knowledge kifayah fard for
him to earn rewards while doing the obligatory deeds acquire knowledge.
O my sister ... take heart in the pursuit of knowledge is a noble
religion, because really there is so much virtue and glory ...
Almighty Allaah knows best bish Showwab
Bulletin article zuhairahAuthor: Umm Zaid Wakhidatul LatifahMurajaah: Ustadz Adika Minaoki
Tsamaratul 'Ilmi Al' Amalu, Abdurrazaq bin Sheikh Abdul Muhsin Al 'Abbaad, Maktabah Malik Fahd
At-tafaqquh Dhoruurah fid-Deen, Shaykh Salih Alu transcripts lecture Shaykh, (www.islamspirit.com)
The Complete Guide To demand Sciences (Tr. Kitaabul Ilmi), Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al Uthaymeen, Ibn Kathir Library.
sister the prosecution of science, if we think of the state of the
early generations of scholars, surely we will be amazed and astonished
when I read the story of their worship and guard them against the
practice, and how great their sunnah of duty. Among
them are those who establish prayer at the beginning of the night,
there were at the end of the night, there were at mid-night, and some
are set up at the edges (early evening and late evening). Respectively in accordance with the seriousness and ability levels.
greedy attitude toward God's help-after-a motivation for them to work
on the good and leave the munkar, pursue obedience and blessing be an
additional cause their times. Excerpts of the following events, describing how their persistence,
Bishr told me, '... Hafs bin Ghiyats worked as a qodhi without deliberation to Abu Yusuf (disciple of Abu Hanifa). This is especially hard for Abu Yusuf. Then Abu Yusuf was said to me and to Hasan Al-Lu'lu'i, "Check Hafs decision." So we also checked. When
reviewing a decision Hafs Abu Yusuf, he also said, "The decision is the
same as the opinion of Ibn Abi Laila", then he said, "Trace agreements
and the related notes." When Abu Yusuf listened to the decision, he
said, "and people are such Hafs with attention to the night prayer. "'(Siyar A'lamun Nubala' 313/6).
sister, may Allah take care of you-know-it's actually a claimant
science always different from the others because of the grace of God
Almighty and His glory. Therefore subject needs to be for him to be serious in maintaining the glory of this blessing. And let he meant it in accordance with its ability to hasten work on the kindness of various doors. And next he should be serious in leaving things which lowers muru'ah (self-esteem), especially things that are evil.
should be a prosecution of science is different from the others in
terms of morality, the excess in worship, good behavior and spirit with a
variety of worship. All
that he did solely because they expect the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala,
then aimed to menzakati science and religion that has been given by God
to him. So that he too could become a role model for people who see it, hear sermons, as well as those who sat with him.
Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said:
should have a penghafal Qur'an was known as the prayer in the evening
time when many people are falling asleep, with his fast during the day
when many people are breaking, with wara'nya attitude when many people
are mixing the lawful with the unlawful ,
with ketawadhu'annya when many people were proud, with grief for fear
of Allah when many people are excited out of line, with frequent crying
because she was afraid to sin when many people are laughing despite sin,
and he is known by his silence when many humans are fun to talk. "
a claimant should be able to be an example of science while traveling
or while at home, be a role model to worship, and in various affairs.
Furthermore, we will convey to you, O the prosecution of science, some of the advantages of the evening prayer. May be a motivating factor for me and for you, so that we too become diligent person to do it.
Primacy of evening prayer
So much history in the hadith that explains about the virtues of doing evening prayers. However, in this discussion we can only mention the most virtues, is as follows:
Evening prayer is the most important prayer after prayer fardlu. From Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam said,
أفضل الصلاة, بعد الصلاة المكتوبة, الصلاة في جوف الليل
"Prayer is the most important after the obligatory prayer is prayer in the middle of the night. '" (Narrated by Muslim).
Working on a nightly prayer for the glory of a believer. From
Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam
said, "For the noble prayer of a believer is the night ..." (Narrated in
Saheeh al-Jami Khutaib').
Evening prayer is the habit of pious people.
Working the night prayer will draw closer to God.
Evening prayer prevents from sin.
Night prayers are evil eraser.
Night prayers from the body is able to ward off disease.
This primacy of the hadith narrated collected Bilal radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallambersabda,
عليكم بقيام الليل فإنه دأب الصالحين قبلكم, وإن قيام الليل قربة إلى الله, ومنهاة عن الإثم, وتكفير للسيئات, ومطردة للداء عن الجسد
the guys working on the night prayer, because it is the custom of the
pious before you, draw closer to Allah, prevents from sin, removing
evils, and prevent diseases of the body." (Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi,
Saheeh al Hakim Jami ').
prayer is the first that will be delivered by the Prophet sallallaahu
'alaihi wasallam to the people of Medina when he arrived there for the
first time.
'Abdillah bin Salam radi' anhu, 'When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi
wasallam new tida in the city of Medina, men went quickly to him, and
said to them, "the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has arrived 3x",
I also went with them to see the face of the Prophet. When I found the face of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, I will know that his face is not the face of a liar. And the first thing he conveyed was,
يا أيها الناس أفشوا السلام, وأطعموا الطعام وصلوا بالليل والناس نيام, تدخلوا الجنة بسلام
people, spread the greeting, was glad to feed you, and sholatlah when
people fall asleep, you will enter Paradise nisacaya with full safety."
Abu 'Ais said, "This is a hadeeth" (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, vol 4 case 652, hadith no. 2490).
Night prayers are done with no human mind, then this is a factor increasing the reward. Of
Suhaib radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said,
"Prayer Sunnah someone somewhere that is not seen in comparison with the
prayer that many people see the reward 25 times.'" (Narrated by Abu
Ya'la in Saheeh al-Jami ') .
Usually done at night praying Allah Ta'ala descend to the sky world. That time is a very precious time. Allah the Exalted says,
من يدعوني, فأستجيب له من يسألني فأعطيه, من يستغفرني فأغفر له
"Those who pray, then I grant, whoever asks will I give it, and he who ask forgiveness, and I forgive."
prayers are lifted degrees because, based on the hadith of Mu'adh radi
'anhu, asked about, "what is the degree?", The Prophet replied,
طيب الكلام, وبذل السلام, وإطعام الطعام, والصلاة بالليل والناس نيام
"The words were soft, Gemar feed, pray at night when people are sleeping ..." (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi and much more).
Evening prayer is one of the good door. Based on the arguments bahwasannya Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Behold, I will show you the gates of goodness. Fasting
is a shield, charity will abolish sin as water extinguishes fire, and
pray someone in the night ... "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and otherwise).
As well as other arguments that show the dignity and virtue of evening prayer.
The benefits to be gained by a person who likes to do a lot of night prayer is. Based on the explanation of the virtues before, in between the fruit of the work on the night prayer:
Maintained memorization and fluency in reading the Qur'an at night prayers. Reading prayers at night causing sticky sap in the minds of people who do it. Moreover, if he had been memorizing one verse later he read prayers at night.
Help get up for morning prayers work.
Following the custom of the early generations of this Ummah.
And a variety of other benefits.
mentioning the various features and benefits that will get people to
pray by night, will we mention, O sister prosecution of science, some
tips that can help to do the night prayer in which:
Pray. When
a servant prayed to his Lord, he too mengikhlaskan yourself and sincere
with what he asked for, then this is the factor that makes the granting
of the prayer.
required to work on the practice, so that a servant earnestly to
accomplish something that does not relieve him of the debt / dependents
except him.
Avoid staying up all night, except when he has a need for it. Because
if someone is staying up late into the night, usually will make him
tough to work on the night prayer, even causing him to feel heavy to do
the morning prayers.
Eager to do qailulah (lunch break) in the mid-afternoon or later. That way, the body will rest and gather strength so that he too will be excited in the middle of working on the night prayer. (Ibn al-Athir said that qailulah is a break in the middle of the afternoon despite not sleeping).
Leaving her immoral and fortify themselves. Immorality is demon snares. Satan set traps so that a servant had fallen into it so as to prevent it to do good. Someone
said to Hasan rahimahullah, "We feel weak to work the night prayer.",
Then Hasan said, "Your mistake has been controlling you."
Even if a slave feel good to do evil, then evil has become nature for him. As
if it is a passionate servant with him, wary of traps and
ketergelincirannya devil, and God also knows this, then he will see the
signs taufik and truth and make it easier to clear the chest, with the
permission of Allah Ta'ala.
Forcing yourself to prayer and dismissed the heaviness and procrastination.
Because real life is suppressed and familiarized by the owner to do something, then he will be familiar and easy to do. The
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "The knowledge that by
learning, and attitudes can train yourself to control your emotions to
control it, then whoever is familiar with the good, then his soul will
stick to it. And
those who keep away from evil then he will be protected from evil.
"(Narrated Ad-Daruquthni and Khutaib dala Saheeh Jami '). Prophet
sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said," Whoever is to train yourself to
maintain the honor, Allah will keep his honor. Whoever train yourself to be patient, Allah will make him patient. And those who are content with what is given, then Allah will make him feel pretty. "(Narrated by Bukhari 309/11, al-Fath).
and in others that have been mentioned to explain that those who are
serious with his life and get used to doing something, and he had to be
patient and keep working on it, then he will find it easy to do so until
something is a character that accompanies it.
How beautiful the words of Sulaiman At-Taimi on this subject:
"Surely, if the eyes are accustomed to a lot of sleep, will be used for sleeping. And if the eye accustomed awake to read, will be used to read. "(Mukhatshor qiyamul Lail Lilmarwazi case 55).
As the words of the poet:
The soul is like a baby, if she is used to suck, when it was great then he was going to suck
But if he is weaned, he too will tersapih.
more amazing was what was narrated by Al-A'masy rahimahullahu ta'ala
about it-that show attitudes wara'nya-as mentioned by adh-Dhahabi in
Siyar A'lamun Nubala ', He said, (Al- A'masy
said, "It has reached me bahwasannya if someone slept until dawn (ie:
do not pray), then the devil has been squatting on his head and piss in
his ear. bahwasannya And I view demons have shat in my throat last
night!" It so because he ( Al-A'masy) coughing.
Kholid said: al-A'masy mentioned hadith, "That's someone who urinated
devil ears." Al-A'masy said, "I view that my eyes hurt like this (his
eyes always wet like belekan) but because of the urine telingku
demons. "But I (Abu Kholid) argued that Al-A'masy not do that. 'I
(adh-Dhahabi) say," Al-A'masy are people who wake up at night and pray
always ". (Siyar A'lamun Nubala '231-232 / 6).
among the things that can help to get up the night is done causes that
allow for a prosecution of science and the others could get up to pray
night work, including:
Installing an alarm clock in accordance with the time he wants to get up.
Calling by phone is already programmed to wake the night prayer.
Instructing one to call an acquaintance, especially those more commonly they are the first azan.
And there are many other tips that could be pursued to help wake up the night prayer.
we close the conversation about this with what was mentioned by Imam
Ibn Muflih, who cite the words of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
rahimahullahu 'alaihuma-:
"There was a guest who stays at the house of Imam Ahmad, and beliaupun provide water for him. Guests
even then said, "I do not do evening prayer, so I do not use the
water.", When morning came, Imam Ahmad asked me, "Why do not you use the
water?", Then I will feel embarrassed to answer so I was silent. Imam Ahmad said, "Good Heavens! Subhan Allah! I have never known a hadith seekers who do not wake up for night prayer. "
This story also occurs in the other a guest. Guests
then rose to say, "I am a traveler." Imam Ahmad retorted, "Although you
are a traveler, ever Masyruq pilgrimage and he does not sleep except in
a state of prostration (due to fatigue during night prayer)."
Taqiyyudin Shaykh said, "This shows that a
case where a claimant who hated science even though he left the evening
prayers were bersafar. "(Al-Adab ash-Syar'iyyah Ibn Muflih 169/2).
take heart, O the prosecution of science-that-may Allah take care of
you for the great virtues turn again this rewarding. And make your spirit is always high in working on a variety of goodness as long as you are able to do so.
***muslimah.or.id article
from the book Ma'alim fit Tariq Thalabil 'Ilmi Chapter Thalibul' Ilmi
wa qiyamul Laili (p. 221-228), The work of Shaykh 'Abdul' Aziz Muhammad
ibn 'Abd As-Sadhan, Publisher Darul' Ashimah.
Discussed in studies with Ustadz Aris Munandar while discussing the book.
Yogyakarta, 07.06.2012Nunung Wulandari