Speaking to the hearts Eyes
Heart said to the eye, "You're the one who has been dragged to destruction and result in regret because I followed a few moments. You cast your eyes cast to the park, you seek healing from the garden that is not healthy, you blame God saith, 'Let their gaze', do you blame the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
النظرة سهم من سهام إبليس مسمومة فمن تركها من خوف الله أثابه جل وعز إيمانا يجد حلاوته في قلبه
"Seeing a woman is poison dart arrows of various demons. Whoever left it for fear of the Almighty God, then God will reward her faith in the pleasures to be found in his heart. "(Narrated by Ahmad)
Umar bin Syabbata said, "We were told Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Yunus, we were Anbasah bin Abdurrahman Al-Qurasyi, we were told Abul-Hasan Al-Madany, we were told Ali ibn Abu Talib radi 'anhu, he said," Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' slaihi wa sallam said, "The view of male to female beauty is an arrow of different kinds of poisonous dart demon. Whoever avoid the arrows, God will replace it with worship that makes him happy. "
So is there a more despicable person than the people affected by the poison dart? Do you not know that nothing is more dangerous to humans than from the eyes and the tongue? No more damage other than damage caused by the eye and the tongue. How much destruction is caused by the eye and the tongue? Whoever wants to live a happy and commendable, then let him hold his eyes and tip of his tongue, to be saved from danger, because storing excess eye view and store excess tongue to speak.
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has confirmed that the two eyes that can fornicate. Both are starters pubic adultery, guides and drivers. He was asked about the sudden sight. Then he ordered the man who asked it to look away. He gives useful guidance to him and avoid what brings harm (hazards) for him. He is also said to Ali bin Abu Talib, "Thou shalt not susuli view with the view again."
These are the words of the scholars, "Who's indulgence in his view will reap the consequences. Who lingering look, will also continue ongoing remorse, lost time and berkerpanjangan misery. "
A poet says,
Compete in the eye eye view
is the damage to the liver
while there was fighting
up covered in blood and dead
Another poet said,
O my eyes, you enjoy the view
then you susupkan bitterness in the hearts
careful not to disturb you again this
wrongs with one swing
Eyes of the Heart Disclaimer
Eyes said, "You zhalimi me from beginning to end. You kukuhkan my sin physically and spiritually. Though I was always obedient messenger and a guide that shows you the way. "
"You are a king who adhered to. While we are just people and followers. To meet your needs, you raise me up bi nal horse, accompanied by threats and warnings. If you told me to shut my door and poked hijabku, will gladly kuturuti mPIN man and a fair judge. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has made the decision for me by saying,
ألا وإن في الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله ألا وهي القلب
"Verily in the body there is a blood clot. If he is good, then the better the whole body, and if it is damaged, then the whole body is also damaged. Know that a blood clot is the heart. "(Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others)
Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu said, "The heart is the king and all the members of the body are the troops. If the king is good, better the army. If the bad king, the army also bad. "When thou awarded the view, of course you know that the damage is due to damage your followers yourself, and the good they are because of your kindness. If you are damaged, broken anyway your followers. Then you throw guilt to the eye of the helpless. Source of evil befalls you is because it does not have the love of God, do not like dhikr to Him, do not like the word, asthma 'and His nature. You switch to the other and turn away from Him. You changed besides his love. Though you have heard the story of the denial of God to the Children of Israel, because they replace existing food with other foods that are even more despicable. God then denounce them.
أتستبدلون الذي هو أدنى بالذي هو خير
"Will you take something that is low as a better substitute?" (Surat Al-Baqarah: 61)
What is the state substitute love for the Creator, Protector, and who handles his business, which does not have the luck, joy and pleasure? Compare God with anything that you make the replacement and replacement of His love to Him. Are you the pleasure is in the toilet, while the people who love God are in the 'Throne? If you expose yourself to God and turn away from Him apart, of course you will see all sorts of miracles, you are safe from disaster and destruction. Surely you already know that he specializes fortune and pleasure to those who come to Him with a pure heart or a net of idolatry in which there is no love to other than Him and follow His pleasure only.
Mata said, "Between my sins and your sins like a man in the middle between blindness and kebutaanmu in making analog."
God has said about people in crisis,
فإنها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور
"Surely not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts." (Al-Hajj: 46)
Spleen Come Talk
When hearing the dialogue between the heart and the eye as well as the two of them debate, the spleen said, "You two go hand-in-hand to the collapse and kill me. There are those who have described the debate you,
Eyes assumes inflict suffering heart
care that has been imposing its will
but the body bears witness to falsehood eye
disaster is indeed originated from the eye care
right eye do not suppose there is no pain
not be a victim of it lying
spleen languish as the persecuted victim
because the liver and the eyes are not subject to the Creator
Another poet said,
I tossed insults to the liver
because I saw my body emaciated
careful eye to follow what they want
by saying, 'You are the ambassadors'
eye say to the heart,
'Indeed thou hast become the guide'
Spleen said, 'Stop this debate'
You guys let me as a victim
Spleen said again, "I will be making a decision between you two (eye and liver). You two work together in disaster, as well as the enjoyment and pleasure. Eyes absorb the fun and ardent heart and always dreamed of. Therefore the poet said about you two,
There is a hue excitement when love disappears
salvation upon you, O the eyes and hearts
I no longer watch at night
free from loneliness and penederitaan
we all deserve happiness
if back no more jokes and laughter
Spleen said again, "If you do not receive the help that could help change the hearts and sight, so do not expect there will be peace in the heart." Poet says,
I do not know why kucerca love
or contaminated eyes or hearts
why kucerca heart can see
careful eye sinful if kucerca
eyes and my heart divide my blood
Rabbi yes please the eye and the heart
Spleen said again, "If you love the water flushed with a heart of glass-your glass, meaning you set fire to her desire, and then you go up with the steam rising then falling. The first time you drank and you are also the first to feel the heat.
The judge who made the decision in between the two is that set between soul and body, if the two are at odds. It says in an illustrious atsar, "Disagreements among creatures are always there until the Day of Judgment arrives, until the soul and body of contradictory. The bodies said to the spirit, 'Thou art that moves me, and told me to reverse. If not so, of course I'm not going to move and act like it. 'Spirit says to the body,' thou eat, drink, rejoice and feel the pleasure of it thou who deserve punishment. 'Then God sent an angel to them to decide their cases , saying, 'The Parable you two are like people see who could only sit and blind people who can only walk. Both entered a garden. People who could see say to people who are blind, "In this garden I saw her, but I can not stand."
The blind man said, "I can stand but can not see anything."
People who could see saying, "I Panggullah then walk, so I can pick it."
Then who should bear the burden? Both bear the brunt. That picture of the state of the eye and the heart.
***Muslimah.Or.IdRe copied from books parks People Fall In Love and Memendan Rindu, Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah mold Darul Falah 1427 H
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