The story of Prophet Four Still Living Up Now
1. Story of Prophet Isa Alaihissalam
The Qur'an describes in a letter AnNisaa ': U.S. 157 that Jesus was not killed or crucified by the Gentiles. As
they cross is people who shape and apparently likened by God like
Prophet Isa AS (some scholars argue is the person who likened his
traitorous called Judas Iscariot) and because of their saying:"We
killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of God", but they
killed him not (too) crucified him, but (they kill is) people are
likened to Jesus for them. Indeed, those who disagreed about (murder) Isa, really in any doubt about who killed it. They
do not have a belief about who killed it, but follow mere conjecture,
they do not (also) believe that they killed it was Jesus.(An-Nisa ': 157)
Prophet Isa AS was saved by God by the way raised to the sky and placed somewhere that only Allah knows about it. The Qur'an describes this saving event. "But (the fact), God has raised Jesus to him. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. (An-Nisa ': 158)(Khatib)
2. The story of the Prophet Khidr Alaihissalam
At the time of Raja Iskandar Dhul Qarnain in 322 S. M. walk
on the earth to the edge of the earth, Allah SWT represents an angel
named Rofa'il to accompany the King Iskandar Dhul Qarnain. Along
the way they talk, Raja Iskandar Dhul Rofa'il Qarnain said to the
angels: "O angel Rofa'il tell me about the worship of the angels in the
angel said, "Worship in the sky mailaikat some of which stand not lift
his head for ever, and some are bowing did not lift his head for ever".Then the king said, "How wonderful if I lived many years in worship to God".Rofa'il
angel said, "Verily Allah has created the earth's water source, called
'Ainul Hayat' which means, the source of living water. If anyone took a sip, then it will not die till the Day of Judgment or so he ask God in order to be turned off ".Kemudianya Rofa'il king said to the angel, "Do you know where" Ainun Hayat that? ".mailaikat Rofa'il answered, "Behold, Ainun Hayat was in the dark earth".
the king heard the testimony of angels Ainul Rofa'il about life, the
king immediately gather 'Ulema' in those days, and the king asked them
about it Ainul Hayat, but they replied, "We do not know khabarnya, but
seoarng pious in among them replied, "Surely I will never read in the prophet Adam, he says that Allah put Ainul Hayat in dark earth"."Where was the dark earth," asked the king.A pious replied, "In place of discharge of the sun".
Then the king got ready to go to that place, and the king asked his friend. "What horse is very sharp eyesight in the dark?".The friend replied, "the virgin female horse".Then
the king collect 1000 mares are virgins, then the king of picking out
among his troops, as many as 6000 people were selected who are expert
scholars and whipping.
Among them is the Prophet Khidr AS, he even served as the Prime Minister. Then
walk them and Prophet Khidr AS and walked in front of his troops they
met on the way, that the sun was right where it comes out at the
direction of Qibla.
they cease not to travel within 12 years, so that up to the edge of the
dark earth, radiating as it turns out dark smoke, not like the darkness
of the night. Then a very scholar prevent the King go into the dark places and his soldiers, he said to the king. "O King, verily the former kings nothing makes this dark place because the dark is dangerous. "Then the King said: "We have to enter it, may not be so."Later when the king was about to go, then let meraka all. Then
the king said to his troops: "Be quiet, you wait in this place for 12
years, if I could come to you in the past 12 years, then wait for your
arrival and includes both, and if I did not come until 12 years, then
returned back to the your land ".Then the king said to the angel Rofa'il: "If we pass this dark place, if we can see our friends?"."Can
not be unseen", Rofa'il angel replied, "but I give you a bead or pearl,
if it beads up the earth, so the pearls can scream loud, so then you
fellows can wayward path back to you. "
Raja Iskandar Dhul Qurnain go into the dark places with a group of
soldiers, they walk in a dark place for 18 days that never saw the sun
and the moon, never see the night and day, never look at birds and wild
animals, while the king goes accompanied by U.S. Khidlir Prophet.
the moment they walk, then Allah gave revelation keapda U.S. Khidlir
Prophet, "Behold, Ainul Hayat is located on the right cliff and Ainul
Hayat is I dedicated to you".After
the Prophet received a revelation Khidlir, then he said to his
companions: "Stop you in your place, respectively, and do not you leave
your place so I come to you. "
Then he walked to the right of the ravine, then didapatilah by a Ainul Hayat he was looking for it. Then
the Prophet Khidlir U.S. fell from his horse and he immediately took
off his clothes and go down to "Ainul Hayat" (water of life) is, and he
continued to bathe and drink the living water, the water is then
perceived by him sweeter than honey. After
his bath and drink Ainul life, and then he came out of a place that
continues to meet Ainul Hayat Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain, while the king
did not know what was going on ProphetKhidlir U.S., about seeing Ainul Hayat and bath.
on the story as told by Wahab bin Munabbah), he said, that the Prophet
Khidlir U.S. was the son of Raja Iskandar Dhul Qarnain aunt. And
the king Iskandar Dzulkarnain roving in a dark place for 40 days it
suddenly seemed like a flash light by the King, then seen by the King,
sandy red earth and splashing sound heard by the king under the horse's
feet, then the King asked the angel Rofa'il:
"This is the sound of the splashing object if someone took it, he will
regret it and if it does not pick it up, he will regret it too. "Then
in between there are forces that brought him but little, after they
came out of a dark place, it turned out that the object was ruby red
and green jambrut, it repented the troops who took it as take it just a
little, so that the troops did not pick it up, even more sorry. Narrated by Ats-tsa'Labi from: Iman Ali Rodliayllohu 'anhu.
1. This story from the book quoted from "Baidai'iz bouquet Sheikh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin lyas pages 166-168. Publisher: Family Enterprises s Semarang.2. The story of the book Nuzhat Al-Majalis Authorship Ash-Sheikh Abdul Rohman Shafuri.Publisher Darul Fikri as Beirut Pages 257-258.(Salafi Penance)
3. The story of Prophet Idris Alaihissalam
both menerusakan trips to four days and during that time also the
Prophet Idris AS find oddities that exist on the Angels and the Prophet
Idris AS asked: "Hey mister, are you actually are?"The angel answered: "I am the angel of death".Prophet Idris AS asked: "Are you going to kill people?"Angel replied: "Yes",Prophet Idris AS asked: "Do you also take a life on the go with me?"Angel
replied: "Yes, I have removed some real human lives and human lives it
is like a food dish, where you face as a mouthful of food alone".Prophet Idris AS said: "And if you come to kill me or just visiting?"Angel replied: "I came just to visit",Prophet Idris AS said: "I had the intention then to you",Angel replied: "What Hajat, O Prophet Idris?"Prophet Idris AS said: "I want you to kill me, then memohonlah to God to turn me so I can worship God after the pangs of death".Angel replied: "I really can not kill someone without the permission of Allah".Then Allah said to the angels: "Draw Idris lives".
the angel kill Prophet Idris AS and AS Prophet Idris died and angels
crying as condescended to plead with Allah that Prophet Idris U.S. turn
back, then Allah Prophet Idris revive the U.S., the angel asked: "O
Prophet Idris's what it feels like to die ? ".Prophet
Idris AS said: "It feels like a dead animal in a state flayed alive,
being dead feeling it more than 100X as much pain an animal is skinned
alive in a state".Angel
replied: "O Prophet Idris, when I take your life in a way that
carefully and very smooth and I had never done this to anyone".Prophet Idris AS said: "I had another intent unto you want to see hell Hell, so when I saw that I was much more to worship God".Angel
replied: "I really can not go to hell Hell without the permission of
Allah", then Allah said to the angels: "Go to hell with the Prophet
Idris Hell".
the angel with the Prophet Idris AS go to hell Hell, then the Prophet
Idris AS can see everything that is prepared to torture in hell Hell,
then they come back from hell Hell. Prophet
Idris AS said: "I have the intention again to you, that you took me to
heaven, and after that I will become a more obedient servant of the
religion".The angel said: "I can not enter heaven without the permission of Allah".The U.S. then God said: "O ye Angels go with Idris to heaven".
both go to heaven and heaven berhanti at the door, then the Prophet
Idris AS can see all the pleasures that exist in heaven, saw many
kingdoms, saw a lot of grace and see the trees and fruits of various
kinds manifold.Prophet
Idris said: "O Angel, I have felt dead, has seen all sorts of torments
in hell, then ask Allah, so he gave me permission to enter heaven, so I
can drink water heaven and I became lost and ill be spared from hell Hell ".Then Allah He will say to the angels: "Go ye into heaven with Idris",then
both in heaven and Prophet Idris AS sandals put under one of the trees
in heaven, and after getting out of syurga.Nabi Idris said to the
angels: "Truly I left my slippers in heaven, then I return to heaven",Prophet
Idris and after the U.S. arrived in heaven, Prophet Idris in the U.S.
do not want to take out, he wanted to stay in heaven, until the angel
shouted: "O Prophet Idris, get out",Prophet
Idris and the U.S. still will not come out, and said: "God has said,":
"Every soul shall taste death ..." (Q.Surat Ali'imran paragraph 185),
Medium I have felt dead. And Allah He will say: "And not one of you but will pass over it ...." (Q.Surat Maryam verse 71). And indeed I had entered hell Hell, and Allah also says: "........ and occasionally they will not remove it from her (heaven) ". (Q.Surat AL Hijr verse 48) ".The angel said: "So who will issue you?".And God said hello to Angel: "Leave Prophet Idris in heaven, indeed I have already set it, that it includes experts heaven",The angel then left the U.S. in heaven Prophet Idris and Prophet Idris keep the U.S. is in heaven forever.(East Indonesia Kids Blog)
4. The story of Elijah Alaihissalam
While resting there came an angel to Elijah the U.S., the angel came to pick up his spirit. Hearing the news, the U.S. Elijah being sad and crying."Why are you sad?" Asked the Angel of Death."Do not know." Replied Elijah U.S.."Are you sad because it would leave the world and face the fear of death?" Said Angel."Not. Something
I regret nothing except that I can no longer regret remembrance of God,
while still alive should continue chanting praise to God, "Elijah
replied the U.S..
that time Allah inspired the angels then lowering to delay the
deprivation of life and provide an opportunity for the U.S. Elijah
remembrance at her request. Elijah U.S. wants to continue to live solely for wanting remembrance to Allah SWT. Elijah then berzikirlah U.S. throughout his life.
"Let him live in the park to whisper and complain and remembrance of me until the end. "Word of Allah SWT.
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