Sunday, 5 May 2013

Acts of the Apostles of God S.W.T 1

After God s.w.t. created the earth with mountains, sea-oceans and vegetation, creating sky with sun, moon and the stars which shine creates his angels spirits yangdiciptakan is similar to mediate between substance worship the Almighty with the servants, especially the apostles and prophets then came the will of Allah swt to create another kind of creature that would inhabit and fill the earth keep enjoying its vegetation, managing wealth in them and breed-hereditary heir inherits all time which has been destined for him.
The angels when notified by Allah swt His will created another creature, they no thought in case the will of Allah swt the other created beings, due to their negligence kecuaian or in worship and perform tasks or kerana their offenses without disedari. Allah said to them: "O our Lord! Why would God create a creature other than us, but we always exalt, bertahmid, to worship and glorify thy name incessantly, being a creature of God will be created and sent down to the earth , nescaya will fight each other, kill each other would-kill scrambling to master the natural resources thereon visible and hidden in it, so it will be there kerosakan and destruction on the earth that God created it. "
God s.w.t. kekhuatiran said to eliminate the angels:"I know what you do not know and I'm the one who knows the wisdom of the Children of Adam mastery over my earth. When I have created and breathed his spirit to, you prostrate before the new creature as a tribute and not as a prostration of worship, Allah kerana forbids his servants to worship his fellow creatures. "
Then Adam was created by God s.w.t. from a lump of clay, black mud dried and shaped. Once perfected form ditiupkanlah spirit of God's creation into it and stand it upright into a perfect human being
Laknatullah rebellious devil.
Laknatullah Satan rebelled and was reluctant to obey the commands of Allah swt like the other angels, who immediately fell prostrate before Adam as a tribute to the creatures of Allah who will be given the mandate to rule the earth with all that lives and grows on it and buried in it. Devil laknatullah felt himself more noble, more mainstream and more glorious than Adam, kerana he created from the elements of fire, while Adam from dirt and mud. Pride in their origins, makes him arrogant and feel inferior to prostrate respect Adam as the other angels, although ruled by Allah swt.
God s.w.t. laknatullah asked Satan: "What's stopping you prostrate honor is something that I created with my hands?"
Laknatullah devil replied: "I was more noble and superior to him. Thou created me from fire and created him from mud." Kerana pride, arrogance and defiance commanded prostration, then Allah swt laknatullah to punish Satan cast out of heaven and angels with him out of the lineup with a curse and a curse to be attached to him until the Day of Resurrection. In addition, he declared the inhabitants of hell.
Proudly devil laknatullah well received God's punishment and he just begged him a chance to live up to the eternal resurrection at the Day of Judgment. God s.w.t. ditangguhkanlah petition and pass it until the day of resurrection, not thankful and grateful for the provision of the guarantee, even otherwise he threatened to mislead Adam, as the cause of his expulsion from heaven and the issuance of rows of angels, and the kids would come from all corners for his descendants persuade them to leave the straight path and a path with a misguided, immoral and getting them to do things that are forbidden, tempting them to neglect religious instruction and influence them to not be grateful and pious deeds.
Then God s.w.t. said unto Satan the accursed laknatullah:"Go thou with followers-followers that everything will be the content of Hell and fuel of hell. Thou shall not powerless mislead my servants who have faith in me with all her heart and has a solid aqidah that your line will not be shaken by even if you using all kepandaianmu incite and slander. "
Adam Knowledge About Objects Names.
God s.w.t. want to dispel the notion of angels to Adam Low and convince them of the truth of his wisdom appointed Adam as ruler of the earth, then diajarkanlah to Adam the names of the objects that are in the universe, then diperagakanlah the objects in front of the angels while: "just try out mentioned to me the name of those things, if you really feel more aware and more understanding than Adam. "The angels are helpless defiance meet Allah swt to mention the names of the objects that are in front of them. They admitted their inability to say: "Thou Almighty! Surely we do not have knowledge of anything except what God is teaching us. Surely You are All-Knowing and All-Wise."
Adam then commanded by God s.w.t. to notify the names of the angels, and He tells Adam, God said swtkepada them: "Did I not tell you I know Rahsia bahawa heavens and the earth and knows what you reveal and what you hide."
Adam Inhabiting Heaven.
Adam was given a place by God s.w.t. in heaven and Eve were created to accompany him and became his friend, relieve loneliness and complete disposition for the purposes of developing offspring. According to the story ulamat Eve were created by God Almighty from one of Adam's ribs on the left at a time when he was still sleeping so that when he woke up, he saw Eve had been there for him and he was asked by the angel: "O Adam! What and who is a creature that is in your side?"
Adam said: "A woman." In accordance with the nature that has been inspired by God Almighty to him. "What's his name?" asked the angel again. "Eve," Adam replied. "Why would God create these creatures?" asked the angel again. Adam replied: "To my side, gave happiness to me and fill my purposes in accordance with the will of Allah."
God s.w.t. notice to Adam: "Abide thou with thy wife in heaven, feel the pleasure that abound therein, Feel and eat fruits LaZat contained therein, and your heart's content at will nasfumu. You will not experience or feeling hungry, thirsty or tired during the You're in it. however I do not eat fruit reminded of this tree that will cause you harm and among those who do wrong. bahawa Know that Satan is your enemy and the enemy of your wife, she will try to persuade you and drag you out of heaven so there goes the happiness that you are this delicious. "
In accordance with the threats uttered when expelled by Allah swt from heaven due bangkangannya and also driven by jealousy and envy against Adam is the cause until he was cursed and damned forever eliminated from Singgahsana greatness. Laknatullah devil began to show his lies designed to Adam and Eve who were living together in a peaceful heaven, peaceful and happy.
He told them that he was a friend of them and want to give advice and guidance to the good and perpetuate their happiness. All means and delicate words used by Satan to gain confidence laknatullah Adam and Eve bahawa he truly honest in advice and guidance to them. He whispers to them that Allah ban to them eating fruits it is kerana designated by eating it they will be transformed into angels and eternal life. Repeated-repeat showing will be persuaded by the fragrance smells wonderful forbidden tree fruit shape and LaZat it. So in the end it termakanlah subtle persuasion by Adam and Eve disobeyed God and Almighty
God s.w.t. denounce their actions and said that it intends: "Did I not prevent you approach the tree and eat of its fruit and I would not have to remind you that Satan bahawa is the real enemy."
Adam and Eve heard the word of God s.w.t. The Awake he bahawa they had violated the command of God Almighty and bahawa they have made a big mistake and sin. As sorry they said: "O our Lord! We have wronged ourselves and have broken your commandments kerana exposed coaxing the devil. Forgive us our nescaya kerana be classified as those who lose when you do not forgive and love us."
Adam and Eve Descended To Earth.
God s.w.t. already accept the repentance of Adam and Eve and forgive offenses deeds they have done things which have relieved their chest and eliminating the grief caused by the negligence of Allah warning about Satan laknatullah that fall prey to the sweet persuasion and seduction but berancun it.
Adam and Eve was comforted after receiving the forgiveness of Allah swt and will keep not to be fooled again by Satan laknatullah and will try to make the offense has been done and the cause of Allah's wrath and rebuke it is a teaching for both of them to be more careful face trickery and persuasion the accursed Satan. Hopes to stay on in heaven that has faded kerana infringement action commands of Allah, came to life in the hearts and minds of Adam and Eve who feel pleasure and happiness of their life in heaven will not be distracted by something and bahawa redha Allah swt and will remain abundant mercy upon them for ever. But God s.w.t. has been decisive in his destiny is not what comes to your heart and do not unthinkable by mereka.Allah swt which have determined the fate of his bahawa earth filled with wealth for its management, will be controlled by the human descendants of Adam commanded Adam and Eve down to earth as the first seed of his servants named man. And God said s.w.t. to them: "Get thee down to earth than you are by an enemy to the other sebahagian you can stay still and live there until the appointed time."
Adam and Eve descended to earth to face a new way of life that is much different to life in heaven has ever experienced and that will not be repeated again. They have to live in this mortal world with the joys and sorrows of mankind and will lower the diverse nature and temperament-Beza differing skin color and intelligence of his brain. Humanity will be in groups of tribes and nations where the other one being killed each enemy-killing mayhem-menganianya and oppressed-oppressive so from time to time Allah swt sent His prophets and messengers of His servants led him to the straight path peaceful affection among human beings the way, which leadeth unto Him redha and human happiness in the world and the hereafter.
The story of Adam in the Quran.
Al-Quran tells the story of Adam in some of these surah surah Al-Baqarah verse 38 and verse 30 that surah Al-A'raf verse 11 to 25
There are teaching The Story Of Adam.
Behold the wisdom contained in the commands and prohibitions of Allah and the creation of what is sometimes not or can not be achieved by the human brain even by his nearest creatures as has been experienced by the angels when Allah told bahawa would create man - the descendants of Adam to be His vicegerent on earth so that they seemed to mind and wonder why and for what Allah swt creating other types of beings than those who have diligently obedient worship, glorify, bertahmid and glorify His name.
Bahawasanya man although he has dikurniakan kecergasan fizikal and thinking and mental strength he still has some weakness on her as negligent nature, forget and make mistakes. Things which have happened to Adam that although he has become a perfect human being and dikurniakan privileged position in heaven he is still not spared from human nature was weak. He has forgotten and neglected the warnings of Allah swt him of the forbidden tree and of the Devil laknatullah who became his enemy and the enemy of all his descendants, so caught up in deception and there was a first offense committed by humans against the prohibitions of Allah swt.
Bahawasanya someone who has already done vice and sin he should not despair of the mercy and forgiveness of Allah swt as long as he is conscious of his guilt and repentance will not do it again. God's grace s.w.t. and his maghfirah can cover all the sins done by His servants except shirk, no matter how big it is as long as sin followed by repentance and confession consciousness of guilt. Arrogant and cocky nature always bring harm and destruction caused. Look at the fall of Satan laknatullah singgahsananya dilucutkan position as an angel and was expelled by Allah swt from heaven, accompanied by curses and damnation that will be attached to him until the Day of Resurrection kerana arrogance and kebanggaaannya with its origins so that it assumes and looked down to Prophet Adam and refused to bow down honor though commanded by Allah swt

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