Sunday, 5 May 2013

In Islam the concept of Welfare

Materialistme teaches that prosperity is measured from the possession of luxury goods. More and more luxury items owned the higher the level of well-being, and vice versa.
It must be recognized that today very few are able to reveal the writing of many realities and history of science that has been rooted and inspired much of the Islamic world. Even with that reality deliberately buried and obscured by the frenetic other parts of the world of science-based greed. Musababnya political power base. Both do have a real difference. Development of science in the Islamic world clearly departs from the plenary spirituality which then stimulates contemplation, tasyakur and solemn thoughts for kemashlahatan mankind, not greed to tame the world.In the heyday of Islamic religious position has a very vital position. At the time it was not just a religious dogma. Islam spread with rationality and exemplary. Historians agree mentioned at least 700 years in the past as a golden age (golden century of Islam), at the same time Europe wallowed in darkness (the dark age).
Islamic scholarsIslamic development is inseparable from the role of Islamic scholars, including Muslim economists. The role of Muslim scientists inspired by the message of Quran revelation for reasonable utilization. This is the missing pearls today and as a result the Muslim world behind and lose competitiveness. More scholarly motivation filled by the desire to have as much material as possible (materialism).Materialistme teaches that prosperity is measured from the possession of luxury goods. More and more luxury items owned the higher the level of well-being, and vice versa. Logic people now on welfare terkontruksi with the idea of ​​materialism. Where it is not unreasonable in another sense it's hard to be accepted by reasonable to say that the people who live in simple huts far more prosperous than the people who live in plush apartments, or considered insane if there is a saying that people who only have a battered bike away more prosperous than people who have limitted edition BMW.A change in the social structure of today's society can not be separated from the economic system adopted. Capitalist economic system that worships the material as an indicator of well-being (economisentris). On the basis of economic calculations in the mind and the mind which then builds social and economic relations of society. This is establishing the individual to society. People would be much appreciated if you have a good economy.Bad sides of economic development, socially caused by unequal distribution of income, where the rich get richer and the poor getting memiriskan. Social relations has declined, more appreciative of good individuals who have or are economically than individuals who have a social and moral qualities are good. This is evident when the current was more reward individuals who have a lot of money even if a corrupt person than pious or good-hearted but poor.
Concept of WelfareMembincang economy will never be separated from the concept of well-being (welfare). Even under the assumption developmentaris assume that the ultimate goal of economic development is to create prosperity. One of the advantages of the concept of well-being is because it has principles and concepts evolve to continue to improve the understanding, because essentially there will always be the concepts better.Quality of life (Quality of life) if during this very thick feel economy (economisentris), now it has undergone a shift where more comprehensive welfare concept with other concepts include such aspects of development that takes into account the social and environmental aspects.What is the meaning prosperous in economy but has poor social interaction, even what's in the high economic growth if it must destroy the environment. By him that the concept of well-being developed today is how to create a secure society financially, socially established and still protecting the environment.It turns out Islam also has the concept of well-being that much better than western economic concepts. The concept has also been implemented well, ranging from the time of the Holy Prophet, the Caliph until his successor. Welfare in the view of Islam is not only judged by the size of the material all day, but also assessed the size of the non-material, such as, spiritual fulfillment, maintaining moral values, and the realization of social harmony.In view of Islam, prosperous society said when met two criteria: First, the fulfillment of people's basic needs of every individual; better food, clothing, shelter, education, and health. Second, awake and terlidunginya religion, wealth, soul, mind, and human dignity. Thus, the welfare of not only the fruit of the economic system alone; fruit but also the legal system, political system, cultural system, and social system. ***
By;Ilyas AlimuddinStudents of the Graduate Program in Economic Planning & Development Unhas

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