Saturday, 11 May 2013
Prosecutor Science And Prayer Night
O sister the prosecution of science, if we think of the state of the early generations of scholars, surely we will be amazed and astonished when I read the story of their worship and guard them against the practice, and how great their sunnah of duty. Among them are those who establish prayer at the beginning of the night, there were at the end of the night, there were at mid-night, and some are set up at the edges (early evening and late evening). Respectively in accordance with the seriousness and ability levels.
This greedy attitude toward God's help-after-a motivation for them to work on the good and leave the munkar, pursue obedience and blessing be an additional cause their times. Excerpts of the following events, describing how their persistence,
Bishr told me, '... Hafs bin Ghiyats worked as a qodhi without deliberation to Abu Yusuf (disciple of Abu Hanifa). This is especially hard for Abu Yusuf. Then Abu Yusuf was said to me and to Hasan Al-Lu'lu'i, "Check Hafs decision." So we also checked. When reviewing a decision Hafs Abu Yusuf, he also said, "The decision is the same as the opinion of Ibn Abi Laila", then he said, "Trace agreements and the related notes." When Abu Yusuf listened to the decision, he said, "and people are such Hafs with attention to the night prayer. "'(Siyar A'lamun Nubala' 313/6).
O sister, may Allah take care of you-know-it's actually a claimant science always different from the others because of the grace of God Almighty and His glory. Therefore subject needs to be for him to be serious in maintaining the glory of this blessing. And let he meant it in accordance with its ability to hasten work on the kindness of various doors. And next he should be serious in leaving things which lowers muru'ah (self-esteem), especially things that are evil.
It should be a prosecution of science is different from the others in terms of morality, the excess in worship, good behavior and spirit with a variety of worship. All that he did solely because they expect the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala, then aimed to menzakati science and religion that has been given by God to him. So that he too could become a role model for people who see it, hear sermons, as well as those who sat with him.
Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu said:
"We should have a penghafal Qur'an was known as the prayer in the evening time when many people are falling asleep, with his fast during the day when many people are breaking, with wara'nya attitude when many people are mixing the lawful with the unlawful , with ketawadhu'annya when many people were proud, with grief for fear of Allah when many people are excited out of line, with frequent crying because she was afraid to sin when many people are laughing despite sin, and he is known by his silence when many humans are fun to talk. "
Therefore, a claimant should be able to be an example of science while traveling or while at home, be a role model to worship, and in various affairs.
Furthermore, we will convey to you, O the prosecution of science, some of the advantages of the evening prayer. May be a motivating factor for me and for you, so that we too become diligent person to do it.
Primacy of evening prayer
So much history in the hadith that explains about the virtues of doing evening prayers. However, in this discussion we can only mention the most virtues, is as follows:
Evening prayer is the most important prayer after prayer fardlu. From Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalam said,
أفضل الصلاة, بعد الصلاة المكتوبة, الصلاة في جوف الليل
"Prayer is the most important after the obligatory prayer is prayer in the middle of the night. '" (Narrated by Muslim).
Working on a nightly prayer for the glory of a believer. From Abu Hurairah radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "For the noble prayer of a believer is the night ..." (Narrated in Saheeh al-Jami Khutaib').
Evening prayer is the habit of pious people.
Working the night prayer will draw closer to God.
Evening prayer prevents from sin.
Night prayers are evil eraser.
Night prayers from the body is able to ward off disease.
This primacy of the hadith narrated collected Bilal radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallambersabda,
عليكم بقيام الليل فإنه دأب الصالحين قبلكم, وإن قيام الليل قربة إلى الله, ومنهاة عن الإثم, وتكفير للسيئات, ومطردة للداء عن الجسد
"Let the guys working on the night prayer, because it is the custom of the pious before you, draw closer to Allah, prevents from sin, removing evils, and prevent diseases of the body." (Narrated by Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Saheeh al Hakim Jami ').
Evening prayer is the first that will be delivered by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to the people of Medina when he arrived there for the first time.
Of 'Abdillah bin Salam radi' anhu, 'When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam new tida in the city of Medina, men went quickly to him, and said to them, "the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has arrived 3x", I also went with them to see the face of the Prophet. When I found the face of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, I will know that his face is not the face of a liar. And the first thing he conveyed was,
يا أيها الناس أفشوا السلام, وأطعموا الطعام وصلوا بالليل والناس نيام, تدخلوا الجنة بسلام
"O people, spread the greeting, was glad to feed you, and sholatlah when people fall asleep, you will enter Paradise nisacaya with full safety."
Abu 'Ais said, "This is a hadeeth" (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, vol 4 case 652, hadith no. 2490).
Night prayers are done with no human mind, then this is a factor increasing the reward. Of Suhaib radi 'anhu,' The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Prayer Sunnah someone somewhere that is not seen in comparison with the prayer that many people see the reward 25 times.'" (Narrated by Abu Ya'la in Saheeh al-Jami ') .
Usually done at night praying Allah Ta'ala descend to the sky world. That time is a very precious time. Allah the Exalted says,
من يدعوني, فأستجيب له من يسألني فأعطيه, من يستغفرني فأغفر له
"Those who pray, then I grant, whoever asks will I give it, and he who ask forgiveness, and I forgive."
Night prayers are lifted degrees because, based on the hadith of Mu'adh radi 'anhu, asked about, "what is the degree?", The Prophet replied,
طيب الكلام, وبذل السلام, وإطعام الطعام, والصلاة بالليل والناس نيام
"The words were soft, Gemar feed, pray at night when people are sleeping ..." (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi and much more).
Evening prayer is one of the good door. Based on the arguments bahwasannya Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Behold, I will show you the gates of goodness. Fasting is a shield, charity will abolish sin as water extinguishes fire, and pray someone in the night ... "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and otherwise).
As well as other arguments that show the dignity and virtue of evening prayer.
The benefits to be gained by a person who likes to do a lot of night prayer is. Based on the explanation of the virtues before, in between the fruit of the work on the night prayer:
Maintained memorization and fluency in reading the Qur'an at night prayers. Reading prayers at night causing sticky sap in the minds of people who do it. Moreover, if he had been memorizing one verse later he read prayers at night.
Help get up for morning prayers work.
Following the custom of the early generations of this Ummah.
And a variety of other benefits.
After mentioning the various features and benefits that will get people to pray by night, will we mention, O sister prosecution of science, some tips that can help to do the night prayer in which:
Pray. When a servant prayed to his Lord, he too mengikhlaskan yourself and sincere with what he asked for, then this is the factor that makes the granting of the prayer.
Routinely required to work on the practice, so that a servant earnestly to accomplish something that does not relieve him of the debt / dependents except him.
Avoid staying up all night, except when he has a need for it. Because if someone is staying up late into the night, usually will make him tough to work on the night prayer, even causing him to feel heavy to do the morning prayers.
Eager to do qailulah (lunch break) in the mid-afternoon or later. That way, the body will rest and gather strength so that he too will be excited in the middle of working on the night prayer. (Ibn al-Athir said that qailulah is a break in the middle of the afternoon despite not sleeping).
Leaving her immoral and fortify themselves. Immorality is demon snares. Satan set traps so that a servant had fallen into it so as to prevent it to do good. Someone said to Hasan rahimahullah, "We feel weak to work the night prayer.", Then Hasan said, "Your mistake has been controlling you."
Even if a slave feel good to do evil, then evil has become nature for him. As if it is a passionate servant with him, wary of traps and ketergelincirannya devil, and God also knows this, then he will see the signs taufik and truth and make it easier to clear the chest, with the permission of Allah Ta'ala.
Forcing yourself to prayer and dismissed the heaviness and procrastination.
Because real life is suppressed and familiarized by the owner to do something, then he will be familiar and easy to do. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "The knowledge that by learning, and attitudes can train yourself to control your emotions to control it, then whoever is familiar with the good, then his soul will stick to it. And those who keep away from evil then he will be protected from evil. "(Narrated Ad-Daruquthni and Khutaib dala Saheeh Jami '). Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam said," Whoever is to train yourself to maintain the honor, Allah will keep his honor. Whoever train yourself to be patient, Allah will make him patient. And those who are content with what is given, then Allah will make him feel pretty. "(Narrated by Bukhari 309/11, al-Fath).
Hadiths and in others that have been mentioned to explain that those who are serious with his life and get used to doing something, and he had to be patient and keep working on it, then he will find it easy to do so until something is a character that accompanies it.
How beautiful the words of Sulaiman At-Taimi on this subject:
"Surely, if the eyes are accustomed to a lot of sleep, will be used for sleeping. And if the eye accustomed awake to read, will be used to read. "(Mukhatshor qiyamul Lail Lilmarwazi case 55).
As the words of the poet:
The soul is like a baby, if she is used to suck, when it was great then he was going to suck
But if he is weaned, he too will tersapih.
Even more amazing was what was narrated by Al-A'masy rahimahullahu ta'ala about it-that show attitudes wara'nya-as mentioned by adh-Dhahabi in Siyar A'lamun Nubala ', He said, (Al- A'masy said, "It has reached me bahwasannya if someone slept until dawn (ie: do not pray), then the devil has been squatting on his head and piss in his ear. bahwasannya And I view demons have shat in my throat last night!" It so because he ( Al-A'masy) coughing.
Abu Kholid said: al-A'masy mentioned hadith, "That's someone who urinated devil ears." Al-A'masy said, "I view that my eyes hurt like this (his eyes always wet like belekan) but because of the urine telingku demons. "But I (Abu Kholid) argued that Al-A'masy not do that. 'I (adh-Dhahabi) say," Al-A'masy are people who wake up at night and pray always ". (Siyar A'lamun Nubala '231-232 / 6).
And among the things that can help to get up the night is done causes that allow for a prosecution of science and the others could get up to pray night work, including:
Installing an alarm clock in accordance with the time he wants to get up.
Calling by phone is already programmed to wake the night prayer.
Instructing one to call an acquaintance, especially those more commonly they are the first azan.
And there are many other tips that could be pursued to help wake up the night prayer.
Next we close the conversation about this with what was mentioned by Imam Ibn Muflih, who cite the words of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullahu 'alaihuma-:
"There was a guest who stays at the house of Imam Ahmad, and beliaupun provide water for him. Guests even then said, "I do not do evening prayer, so I do not use the water.", When morning came, Imam Ahmad asked me, "Why do not you use the water?", Then I will feel embarrassed to answer so I was silent. Imam Ahmad said, "Good Heavens! Subhan Allah! I have never known a hadith seekers who do not wake up for night prayer. "
This story also occurs in the other a guest. Guests then rose to say, "I am a traveler." Imam Ahmad retorted, "Although you are a traveler, ever Masyruq pilgrimage and he does not sleep except in a state of prostration (due to fatigue during night prayer)." Taqiyyudin Shaykh said, "This shows that a case where a claimant who hated science even though he left the evening prayers were bersafar. "(Al-Adab ash-Syar'iyyah Ibn Muflih 169/2).
Therefore, take heart, O the prosecution of science-that-may Allah take care of you for the great virtues turn again this rewarding. And make your spirit is always high in working on a variety of goodness as long as you are able to do so.
*** article
Translated from the book Ma'alim fit Tariq Thalabil 'Ilmi Chapter Thalibul' Ilmi wa qiyamul Laili (p. 221-228), The work of Shaykh 'Abdul' Aziz Muhammad ibn 'Abd As-Sadhan, Publisher Darul' Ashimah.
Discussed in studies with Ustadz Aris Munandar while discussing the book.
Yogyakarta, 07.06.2012Nunung Wulandari
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