desire Those Who Have Nothing
Chimera those who have died is to go back to the world even for a moment to be righteous. They want to be obedient to God, and repair any damage before they do. They want dhikr of Allah, glorify, or bertahlil even once. But they are no longer allowed for it. Death and immediately dashed all such wishful thinking. Allah ta'ala says about them
حتى إذا جاء أحدهم الموت قال رب ارجعون (99) لعلي أعمل صالحا فيما تركت
كلا إنها كلمة هو قائلها ومن ورائهم برزخ إلى يوم يبعثون (100)
when death comes to one of them, he said," Yes I Rabbku give back (to
the world) that I do good deeds that I have to leave. Absolutely not. Indeed it is the only words spoken. And before them there is Barzakh until the day they are raised. "(Surat Al Mukminun: 99-100)
That's the condition of the dead, they have seen the afterlife with their eyes. They know exactly what they have done and what they receive. Formerly they were so easy to waste precious time on things that are not beneficial to their afterlife. They now realize that the seconds and the minutes are missing really is priceless.
Previously, the opportunity is at hand, but they do not use. Now, they are ready to make up for that occasion at any price! I really do not imagine it would hurt and it would be the amount of regret them ..
Indeed, most people neglect when the favor of God is when he was wallowing in it. He did not realize how much enjoyment, except after it was uprooted from her pleasure. Therefore, we really are living in a great pleasure. Therefore, let us not let another minute go by without even a prayer to say the rosary, tahmid, takbir and tahlil.
Abdullah bin Busr radi 'anhu said, "There are two Bedouin Arabs came to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. One
of them asked him sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,' O Muhammad, who is
the best man? '' The longevity and good deeds. "Replied the Prophet. Then
the other one said, 'Verily Islam is too much for us, then is there any
that include a lot of the good deeds that we can tekuni?' 'Keep lisanmu
always wet with dzikrullah', replied the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam. "(Narrated Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad)
the reader know that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam told us
to praise God when I wake up, because he has turned us after death, and
allow us to re-remember him? True, sleep is synonymous with death. When sleeping, people stopped their activities and ignorant of what was going on around him. How similar the he with the dead, if only God did not restore his soul.
Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
فإذا استيقظ فليقل الحمد لله الذي عافاني في جسدي ورد علي روحي وأذن لي بذكره
"If anyone shall say wake AL HAMDULILLAAHILLADZII 'AAFAANII FII JASADII WA Radda' ALAYYA RUUHII WA ADZINA LII BIDZIKRIHI. (Praise be to Allah who has saved me, and restore life to me, and allow me to make dhikr to Him). "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi)
Now we still received his joy of life, we can still increase the reward and remove sin. Remember that one day you will cover age, and everything to be wishful thinking. Therefore, let us realize that wishful thinking from now on!
ibn Yazid al-Abdi said, "One time Riyah al Qaisy came to me and said,
'O Abu Ishaq Ibrahim-dub-on, come go with me to meet residents and let
us hereafter faithful engaged in their side." Then I went with him to a funeral. We were seated next one in the same grave, then Riyah said,
"O Abu Ishaq, about whether that was deemed by the deceased when he was asked daydream?"
"By Allah, he would want to return to the world to be obedient to God and improve his credit," I said.
"Well, we are now in the world. Therefore, let us be obedient to God and improve our charities, "said Riyah.
Riyah then rose to leave the cemetery and began earnestly in worship. It turned out not so long ago, he was summoned to Allah, may Allah have mercy on him.
Brother, if you are religious visit to the cemetery, find the grave empty and sit beside him. Note
the narrow grave, and imagine if you were there when the wooden planks
cover your body, then chunks of land hoarding, then relatives and
friends leave one by one. You lying alone in the silence and darkness, no friends there, and nothing you see besides your charity. Presumably what you yearning longing in those tense moments??
Would not you want to go back to the world in order to do good deeds? So pray despite the cycles? Or hymn and dhikr even once?
Well, now's the time ...!
Ibrahim Taimi said, "when I imagine myself to be cast into hell, then I
ate fruit and drank Zaqqum pus, my body is being linked with chains and
shackles. At
that time I asked myself, "What do you crave right now?" Then he
replied, "I want to get back into the world and do good deeds," then I
said, "You are in anganmu thinking now, then beramallah!" (See Umniyat
al Mauta )
Brother, when you visit the grave or mengiring corpse, do not be the person who fails. Do
not get busy yourself with chatting, but remember their delusion that
buried all around you, they're the ones who are now imprisoned by their
If you invite adulterous lust, delusion remember those who died. They want to turn on again to obey God, then why do you even engage in immoral?
If you feel lethargic for charity, remember their delusion that there is no ...
It is said that ar Rabi 'bin Khutsaim dug grave in his yard. If
he felt his heart begin to hard, he put shackles on her neck and lay
down in the grave for some time, then shouted, "O Lord, send me back to
the world that I do good deeds!" As he repeated them. After
that he got up and said to him, "Rabbi Hai ', now your wish has been
granted, then beramallah before arriving when you asked but not
answered." (See Ihya' Ulumuddin)
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