Heaven for the believers men, for women and for the Christian believer is there a difference?
Perhaps we often think how wonderful heaven. Do the same with the beauty of the Taj Mahal palace whose construction alone spent over 22 years? Or maybe like the beauty of the royal palaces in various nations?
Of course none of these magnificent buildings in the world that can be compared with heaven. In addition to our own can not describe exactly how beautiful heaven, the Bible describes heaven as a place that is so beautiful and holy.Picture of Heaven According to Al-Quran
Another name of heaven for Muslims is Aljana. In this place flowing rivers of wine that can be enjoyed by every person who "made it" into the Aljana. Here they are free to enjoy various types of wine. Like pure wine which is sealed (Qs 83, 25), which contains wine Zanzabil (Qur'an 76:17), which is a mixture of Tasnim wine (Qur'an 83:27) or wine mixed with kafur (Qur'an 76:5).
Raised a question in my mind. If the world only forbidden to drink wine because it is considered haram, then why are the people in it Aljana rivers offered a free drink wine all the time? And again, if the people who drank the wine will not be drunk?
In addition to the rivers of wine, in Aljana there are also a variety of other benefits.Gospel According to the description of Heaven
In the Gospel, heaven is often also referred to as the Kingdom of God. Heaven is where the saints. Only those who have received Salvation and Eternal Life of Isa Al-Masih who had the right to enter in the kingdom.
Unlike the Muslims Aljana, Gospel asserts that "the kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit" (Bible, Romans 14:17).
Further explaining the Gospel, God's people in heaven will live together with God. There is no sin, death or grief. That there is only worship God (Bible, Revelation 22:3), and ruled as king (Gospel, Revelation 22:5).
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more: there will be no more mourning, or crying, or sorrow, because everything old has passed away" (Bible, Revelation 21:4)How Men in Heaven?
In the Quran there is so much good news to the believers who believe if men, they go to heaven someday. Unfortunately the heavenly pleasure is only intended for believers alone man. Among the pleasures are women who are very beautiful (Qur'an 38:53, 44:54, 52:20). Also promised the virgin which the jinn and human beings never touched (Qur'an 55:70-74).
As the Word of God in the Holy Bible insists there is no marriage in heaven marry. "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven" (Gospel, Great Apostle Matthew 22:29).The fate of believers Women in Heaven
What about the fate of women believers, who will marry them in heaven? Do not they deserve the same pleasure of Allah in return for obedience they are in the world?
Of all the pleasures that are translated Al-Quran for those who go to heaven, not one intended for the enjoyment of the female believer. Generally, it is intended for the enjoyment of men believers. Once again, women face discrimination believer, not in the world but at the end of the Hereafter!Jesus and the Gospel Not Distinguish Between Male and Female in Heaven
Heaven is a place for all God's people have been rescued. No matter male or female. For those who have received Salvation and Eternal Life of Isa Al-Masih and also live according to the truth of the word of God, Jesus the Messiah, promising heaven for them. "Jesus said," I tell you the truth, if a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God "(Gospel, Great Apostle John 3:3).
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Thus, for those who receive new life from God, to those who leave the old way of life and not pleasing to God, and turned to a new life according to the truth of the word of God, they are the ones who are eligible to enter the kingdom of God.
[Staff Isa and Islam - Are you a woman who longs have a guaranteed entry in the kingdom of God? Articles on Road Safety can help you find a way to get the guarantee.]
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